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Point domain name to Blogspot (OpenSRS)

Last modified: October 11, 2022
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Point domain name to Blogspot (OpenSRS)

To use a custom domain name to point it to your blog at Blogger

  1. You may need to register the domain name WITH DNS Management when you make the order at our secured order page.

  2. After the domain name is successfully registered, kindly log into our Billing System. Click on “My Domains”.

  3. Make sure your Nameservers are set to OpenSRS default DNS (as below). Save the settings. Then, click on DNS Management at the bottom of the page.

  4. Then click on Management Tools  and select Manage DNS.

  5. Create CNAME records and point it to (Be aware, there is a dot behind).
    Remove other records if there is any. Save the settings.

  6. Optional option: After add the both CNAME, You can also enter A-records, which links your domain (without “www”) to an actual site.If you skip this step, visitors who leave off the “www” will see an error page.

  7. Optional option: Enter your domain name under the Host name, and list the IP under Address. You will need to create 4 separate A-records which point to 4 different Google IPs.

  8. After setting the DNS record, kindly allow about an hour for your DNS settings to propagate.

  9. Last step is update your blogger settings. You’ll do this on the Settings | Basic tab for your blog in Blogger. Find the area for “Publishing”, and click the link to add a custom domain.

  10. Enter the URL for your custom domain name in the text provided, and click Save. Done. Point domain name to Blogspot (OpenSRS) address will soon redirect your own custom domain. Please note that it might be take up to 24 hours for the propagation. If you’re still facing error after 24 hours, it means your settings weren’t entered correctly. For this issue, you may contact your technical support for further assistance. Learn more about domain name.


1. This only application to the domain name registered under OpenSRS. (.com, .net, .org, .info, .biz).

2. The DNS Management is not bundled with domain registration, make sure you have purchased it when registering the domain name.

3. The custom domain name may take up to 72 hours to fully resolved after the DNS is updated.

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